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SOFIa hexarotor
Bergantin et al. (2021, 2023)

© Cyril Frésillon / ISM / CNRS Photothèque

Beerotor Robot
Expert Ruffier (2015)

10-gram MetaFly flapping-wing MAV
Ndoye et al. IEEE ICRA 2023
© Cyril Frésillon / ISM / CNRS Photothèque

© Germain Verhille

Franck RUFFIER      Directeur de Recherche CNRS (DR2)
à l'ISM UMR 7287, CNRS - Aix Marseille Université

Tél. (+33) 4 13 94 60 96

franck.ruffier at -

News Novembre 2023: 3 stages de Master / PFE disponibles
- Cohésion d’une flotille de drones par apprentissage visuel bio-inspiré
- Apprentissage visuel bioinspiré pour le retour à la base d'un drone
- Conception of a Head for a Robotic Bird

2024/2025: Toute candidature pour un stage (Ecole d'ingénieur, Projet de Fin d'Etudes Ingénieur, Master -y compris en biologie-) ou pour une thèse de doctorat est la bienvenue : prière de nous envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation.
dernière mise à jour : août 2024

Projets récents et en cours
Flocking-by-eyes: collective behavior based on bio-inspired motion vision –optic flow– (collab. with
C. Eloy at Irphé) -> Castro, Ruffier, Eloy, Physical Review Research, 2024 [doi : 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023016]
[Open Source Code] [LinkedIn post with more than 17'000 impressions] [Actualité publiée par le CNRS]

Flapping-wing: robotization of the MetaFly (collab. with XTIM-BionicBird) -> Ndoye et al. IEEE ICRA 2023 [Open Dataset]

Optic flow-based Attitude stabilisation (collab. with G. de Croon) -> de Croon et al. Nature 2022

SOFIa: Optic flow-based odometry on a hexarotor -> Simulation: Bergantin et al. 2021 Aerial Robot: Bergantin et al. 2023

Ship landing & ecological interface (collab. with A. Morice) -> Thomas et al. 2023

Projets achevés

AceBot: Biomimetic target tracking -> Colonnier et al. 2019

CurvACE: Miniature and programmable artificial compound eye -> Floreano et al. 2013 ,

BioCarBot: Minimalistic optic flow sensors applied to indoor and outdoor visual guidance and odometry on a car-like robot -> Mafrica et al. 2016

X-Morf quadrotor: In-flight morphing -> Desbiez et al. 2017

3D Shape-Adjusted Tridimensional Reconstruction with X4-Mag -> Louiset et al. 2016

Optic flow and Honeybees in tunnel -> Serres et al. 2008b; Portelli et al. 2010a, 2010b, 2011, 2016

© DGA / F. Vrignaud

© Portelli, Serres, Ruffier (CNRS - Aix-Marseille Univ.)

© Lenay, Vrignaud, Portelli, Serres, Ruffier (CNRS - Aix-Marseille Univ.)

© Portelli, Serres, Ruffier (CNRS - Aix-Marseille Univ.)

BeeRotor Robot -> Expert Ruffier (2012), Expert Ruffier (2015)

Miniature Optic flow sensor and Biomimetic Retina -> Ruffier et al 2003 ; Roubieu et al 2012; Expert et al 2011 ; M2APix: Mafrica et al 2015

LORA project -> Simulation: Serres et al 2008a; Robotics: Roubieu et al 2014

OCTAVE Robot -> Ruffier Franceschini (2005); Ruffier Franceschini (2015)

© H. Raguet

Autres videos et Chaîne YouTube -

Interview Franck Ruffier, La Voix de l'Amérique, 27/02/15

January 2014. X4 MaG Aerial Robot at Marseille... par augustin-manecy

Biorobotique : oeil de la mouche par ministeredeladefense

La fleur de la Biorobotique à Nantes (2011) par NANTES7

Communiqués de presse
Comment les abeilles apprennent du sol au plafond ! (
Tweet de l'INSB-CNRS et Brève de l'INSB-CNRS)

Membres du groupe (sept 2024)
- Jossué CARIÑO ESCOBAR, Avril 2024 - ...

Etudiants en thèse
- Fauzi AKBAR, Oct 2024 - ... (Directeurs : F. Ruffier, S. Durand)
- Lina LE GUELLEC, Oct 2023 - ... (Directeurs : N. Marchand, F. Ruffier)
- Gabriel GATTAUX, Oct 2022 - ... (Directeurs : J. Serres, F. Ruffier, Co-supervisor: A. Wystrach)
- Abdoullah NDOYE, Oct 2022 - ... (Directeurs : N. Marchand, F. Ruffier, Co-superviseur: A. Negre)
- Xavier DAÏNI, 2020-... (Directeur : F. Ruffier, Co-Directeur : T. Raharijaona, R. Raffin)
- Diego CASTRO-RONDON, 2019-... (Directeur F. Ruffier, Co-Dir. C. Eloy)

Doctorants ayant soutenu leur thèse
- Mathieu THOMAS, 2018-2023, thèse soutenue le 5 octobre 2023 (Directeur F. Ruffier, Co-Directeur A. Morice, co-enc. Thomas Rakotomamonjy -Onera Salon de Provence-), maintenant Postdoc à Caen
- Lucia BERGANTIN, 2019-2023, thèse soutenue le 22 mars 2023 (Directeur : F. Ruffier, Co-Directeur : T. Raharijaona), postdoc à l'ENSTA Bretagne maintenant Maîtresse de Conférence à IMT Atlantique, Brest
- Vladislav TEMPEZ, 2018-2022, thèse soutenue le 27 juin 2022 (Directeur J.-B. Mouret, Co-Directeur F. Ruffier) actuellement Professeur agrégé à Tours
- Victor BOUTIN, 2016-2020, Thèse soutenue le 13 Mars 2020 (Directeur : L. Perrinnet, Co-Encadrant : F. Ruffier), Postdoc au SERRE Lab, a research group of Brown University (USA) and Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI, France), maintenant postdoc au CERCO à Toulouse
- Fabien COLONNIER, 2013-2017, Thèse soutenue le 5 Avril 2017 (Dir. S. Viollet, Co-Dir. F. Ruffier), Posdoc au Temasek Labs, National University of Singapore, actuellement à Senior Researcher Engineer à Opteran UK
- Stefano MAFRICA, Thèse soutenue le 12 juillet 2016, Dir. F. Ruffier, ingénieur R&D chez PSA Peugeot Citroën puis maintenant Feature/System Team Leader at Stellantis
- Guillaume SABIRON, Thèse soutenue le 18 nov. 2014 Dir. F. Ruffier, Co-Dir. P. Mouyon - ONERA Toulouse -, Enc. T. Raharijaona & L. Burlion, Prix de Thèse 2015 de la Fondation ISAE-SUPAERO (PDF), Ingénieur R&D puis maintenant Project leader chez IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN)
- Fabien EXPERT, Thèse soutenue le 21 oct. 2013, Dir. F. Ruffier, 1er Prix (ex aequo) Européen de la thèse en robotique en 2014 (Prix George Giralt 2014, eu-Robotics 2014, Photo souvenir) et 2e Prix de thèse (ex aequo) du GDR-Robotique en 2013, maintenant Chief Technical Officer (CTO) chez Wandercraft
- Frederic ROUBIEU, Thèse soutenue le 16 juillet 2013, Dir. S. Viollet, Co-Dir. F. Ruffier, maintenant entrepreneur, fondateur de Baby Montessori
- Geoffrey PORTELLI, Thèse soutenue le 21 sept. 2011, Dir N. Franceschini, Co-Dir M. Giurfa - CRCA Toulouse -, Enc. F. Ruffier, maintenant Senior Data Scientist / AI Technical Advisor chez Thales
- Julien SERRES, Thèse soutenue le 11 juillet 2008, Dir. N. Franceschini, Co-enc. F. Ruffier, 2e Prix de thèse (ex aequo) du GDR-Robotique en 2008, MCF-HDR dans l'équipe Biorobotique-ISM, puis maintenant Prof. AMU dans l'équipe SBI-ISM

Autres Alumni
- Charles COQUET, postdoc Oct 2020 - 2023, maintenant Ingénieur à la DGA à Rennes
- Jose de jesus CASTILLO ZAMORA, postdoc Oct 2021 - août 2024, maintenant Maître de conférence à l'Univ. de Montpellier - LIRMM
- Sabrine SAMORAH LAKI, ingénieur Dec 2020 - July 2022, maintenant Senior Engineer à SOREAM
- Roxane VIMBERT, Feb 2021 - Dec 2021 (Master and then Engineer), maintenant en thèse en biorobotique au LS2N à Nantes
- Imane FERRADJ Oct 2022 - 2023, maintenant en thèse au lab. PIMM, Arts et Métiers à Paris

Liste complète de Publications Article de Revue Scientifique - Articles de Conférence Internationale (IEEE, ...) - Chapitre de Livre - Autres Publications

Articles de Revue Scientifique (Journal Citation Reports)
Diego CASTRO, Franck RUFFIER et Christophe ELOY (2024) Authors' post-print PDF including suppl informations, suppl figs and youtube video links [Open Source Code]
Modeling collective behaviors from optic flow and retinal cues
Physical Review Research, 2024, vol. 6, no 2, p. 023016, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023016

José de Jesus Castillo-Zamora, Amaury Negre, Jean-Marc Ingargiola, Abdoullah Ndoye, Florian Pouthier, Jonathan Dumon, Sylvain Durand, Nicolas Marchand and Franck Ruffier (2023) Authors' post-print PDF
Synchronization of a New Light-Flashing Shield With an External-Triggered Camera
IEEE Sensors Letters, 2023, vol. 7, no 8, p. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3300823

Mathieu Thomas, Julien R Serres, Thomas Rakotomamonjy, Franck Ruffier, and Antoine HP Morice (2023) Authors' post-print PDF
Visual augmentation of decking-ability improves helicopter ship landing decisions
Scientific Reports, 13, 5119, doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-26770-2

L. Bergantin, C. Coquet, J. Dumon, A. Negre, T. Raharijaona, N. Marchand and F. Ruffier (2023) Authors' post-print PDF
Indoor and outdoor in-flight odometry based solely on optic flows with oscillatory trajectories
International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 15. doi:10.1177/17568293221148380

G.C.H.E. de Croon, J.J.G. Dupeyroux, C. De Wagter, A. Chatterjee, D.A. Olejnik, F. Ruffier (2022) Authors' post-print PDF
Accommodating unobservability to control flight attitude with optic flow
Nature, 610, pages 485–490 doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05182-2

JR Serres, AHP Morice, C Blary, R Miot, G Montagne, F Ruffier (2022) Authors' post-print PDF
Floor and ceiling mirror configurations to study altitude control in honeybees
Biology Letters, 18 (3), 20210534 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0534

Bergantin, L., Harbaoui, N., Raharijaona, T., & Ruffier, F. (2021) Authors' post-print PDF
Oscillations make a self-scaled model for honeybees’ visual odometer reliable regardless of flight trajectory
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(182), 20210567 doi: 10.1098/rsif.2021.0567

P. Laclau, V. Tempez, F. Ruffier, E. Natalizio and J.-B. Mouret (2021) Authors' post-print PDF
Signal-based self-organization of a chain of UAVs for subterranean exploration
Frontiers Robotics and AI, doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.614206

Morice, A. H., Rakotomamonjy, T., Serres, J. R., & Ruffier, F. (2021) Authors' post-print PDF
Ecological design of augmentation improves helicopter ship landing maneuvers: An approach in augmented virtuality
PloS one, 16(8), e0255779 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255779

M. Thomas, T. Rakotomamonjy, J. M. Pereira Figueira, J. R. Serres, F. Ruffier, A. Morice (2021) Authors' post-print PDF
Helicopter Pilots Synchronize Their Altitude with Ship Heave to Minimize Energy When Landing on a Ship’s Deck
The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology doi : 10.1080/24721840.2020.1862659

Boutin, V., Franciosini, A., Chavane, F., Ruffier, F., & Perrinet, L. (2021) Authors' post-print PDF
Sparse deep predictive coding captures contour integration capabilities of the early visual system
PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008629 doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008629

Victor Boutin, Angelo Franciosini, Franck Ruffier, and Laurent Perrinet (2020) Authors' post-print PDF
Effect of Top-Down Connections in Hierarchical Sparse Coding
Neural Computation 2020 32:11, 2279-2309 doi: 10.1162/neco_a_01325

Paolo Luschi, Dogan Sözbilen, Giulia Cerritelli, Franck Ruffier, Eyup Başkale, Paolo Casale (2020) Authors' post-print PDF
A biphasic navigational strategy in loggerhead sea turtles
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2020, 10 doi:10.1038/s41598-020-75183-6

JR Serres, TJ Evans, S Akesson, O Duriez, JZ Shamoun-Baranes, F Ruffier, A Hedenström (2019) Authors' post-print PDF
Optic flow cues help explain altitude control over sea in freely flying gulls
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2019.0486

Colonnier, F., Ramirez-Martinez, S., Viollet, S. & Ruffier, F. (2019) Authors' post-print PDF
A Bio-inspired Sighted Robot Chases like a Hoverfly
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, IOP, 14 036002, doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/aaffa4

Al Hage, J., Mafrica, S., El Najjar, M. E. B., & Ruffier, F. (2018) Authors' post-print PDF
Informational Framework for Minimalistic Visual Odometry on Outdoor Robot
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. doi: 10.1109/TIM.2018.2871228

Ruffier, F. (2018) Authors' post-print PDF
Robotic-flapper maneuvers and fruitfly turns
Science, 361(6407), 1073-1074. doi: 10.1126/science.aau7350

G. Portelli, J. R. Serres & F. Ruffier (2017) (Open Access) PDF Supp Data
Altitude control in honeybees: joint vision-based learning and guidance
Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 9231, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09112-5

J. R. Serres and F. Ruffier (2017) (Open Access) PDF
Optic flow-based collision-free strategies: From insects to robots
Arthropod Structure & Development, ISSN 1467-8039, doi:10.1016/j.asd.2017.06.003.

Vanhoutte, E., Mafrica, S., Ruffier, F., Bootsma, R. J., & Serres, J. (2017) (Open Access) PDF
Time-of-Travel Methods for Measuring Optical Flow on Board a Micro Flying Robot
Sensors, 17(3), 571; doi:10.3390/s17030571.

Serres, J., Viollet, S., & Ruffier, F. (2017).
Microdrones bio-inspirés
Les Techniques de l'Ingenieur, S7717-V1.

T. Louiset, A. Pamart, E. Gattet, T. Raharijaona, L. De Luca and F. Ruffier (2016) (Open Access) PDF
A Shape-Adjusted Tridimensional Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using a Miniature Quadrotor
MDPI Remote Sens. 2016, 8(10), 858 ; doi:10.3390/rs8100858.

S. Mafrica, A. Servel, F. Ruffier (2016) (Open Access) PDF
Minimalistic optic flow sensors applied to indoor and outdoor visual odometry on a car-like robot
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 11, 066007 doi:10.1088/1748-3190/11/6/066007.

A. Manecy, N. Marchand, F. Ruffier and S. Viollet (2015)
X4-MaG : a low-cost open-source micro-quadrotor and its Linux-based controller
International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, SAGE Journals, June 2015 vol. 7 no. 2 89-109

S. Mafrica, S. Godiot, M. Menouni, M. Boyron, F. Expert, R. Juston, N. Marchand, F. Ruffier, S. Viollet (2015) Open Access (PDF)
A bio-inspired analog silicon retina with Michaelis-Menten auto-adaptive pixels sensitive to small and large changes in light
Optics Express (OSA), Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 5614-5635

G. Sabiron, T. Raharijaona, L. Burlion, E. Kervendal, E. Bornschlegl and F. Ruffier (2015) Open Access (PDF)
Suboptimal lunar landing GNC using nongimbaled optic-flow sensors
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), 51 (4), pp. 2525-2545

F. Expert and F. Ruffier (2015) Open Access (PDF) with Supp Data
Flying over uneven moving terrain based on optic-flow cues without any need for reference frames or accelerometers
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 10, 026003 (IOP)

J. R. Serres and F. Ruffier (2015) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Biomimetic autopilot based on minimalistic motion vision for navigating along corridors comprising U-shaped and S-shaped turns
Journal of Bionic Engineering (Elsevier), 12 (1), pp. 47 - 60

F. Ruffier and N. Franceschini (2015) Open Access (PDF) & Supp. Data
Optic Flow Regulation in Unsteady Environments : A Tethered MAV Achieves Terrain Following and Targeted Landing Over a Moving Platform
J. Intell. Robot Syst., Springer, DOI 10.1007/s10846-014-0062-5

S. Viollet, S. Godiot, R. Leitel, W. Buss, P. Breugnon, M. Menouni, R. Juston, F. Expert, F. Colonnier, G. L'Eplattenier, A. Brückner, F. Kraze, H. Mallot, N. Franceschini, R. Pericet-Camara, F. Ruffier, D. Floreano (2014) Open access (PDF)
Hardware architecture and cutting-edge assembly process of a tiny curved compound eye
Sensors (MDPI-Basel), 14(11), pp: 21702-21721

F. L. Roubieu, J. R. Serres, F. Colonnier, N. Franceschini, S. Viollet and F. Ruffier (2014) Open access (PDF)
A biomimetic vision-based hovercraft accounts for bees' complex behaviour in various corridors
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, IOP, 2014, 9(3) 036003 (22pp)

D. Floreano, R. Pericet-Camara, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier et al. (2013) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Miniature curved artificial compound eyes
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of USA, PNAS, 2013 Jun 4, 110(23):9267-72

F. L. Roubieu, F. Expert, G. Sabiron, F. Ruffier (2013) Authors' post-print (PDF)
A two-directional 1-gram visual motion sensor inspired by the fly's eye
IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 13, Issue: 3, Pages: 1025 - 1035

Expert F, Viollet S, Ruffier F (2011) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Outdoor field performances of insect-based visual motion sensors
Journal of Field Robotics, Wiley, 28(4):529-541

Portelli G, Ruffier F, Roubieu FL, Franceschini N (2011) Article in Open-access
Honeybees' Speed Depends on Dorsal as Well as Lateral, Ventral and Frontal Optic Flows
PLoS ONE 6(5): e19486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019486

Portelli, G., Ruffier, F., & Franceschini, N. (2010)
Honeybees change their height to restore their Optic Flow
Journal of Comparative Physiology A , Springer, 196(4):307-313

Portelli, G., Serres, J., Ruffier, F., Franceschini, N. (2010)
Modelling honeybee visual guidance in a 3-D environment
Journal of Physiology - Paris, Elsevier, 104(1-2):27-39

Viollet, S. and Ruffier, F. (2009)
Guest editorial : Visual Guidance systems for small unmanned aerial vehicles
Autonomous robots. Vol. 27, pp. 145-146

J. Serres, G. P. Masson, F. Ruffier and N. Franceschini (2008)
A bee in the corridor: centering and wall-following
Naturwissenschaften, Springer, Volume 95, Number 12 / December 2008, pp. 1181-1187

J. Serres, D. Dray, F. Ruffier and N. Franceschini (2008)
A vision-based autopilot for a miniature air vehicle: joint speed control and lateral obstacle avoidance
Autonomous Robots, Springer, Volume 25, Numbers 1-2 / August 2008, pp. 103-122

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2007)
A bio-inspired flying robot sheds light on insect piloting abilities
Current biology Volume 17, Issue 4, 20 February 2007, pp. 329-335

M. Pudas, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, A. Kruusing, S. Amic, S. Leppävuori, N. Franceschini (2007)
A miniature bio-inspired optic flow sensor based on low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) technology
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 133, Issue 1, 8 January 2007, Pages 88-95

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2007)
Optic flow based autopilot: From insects to rotorcraft and back
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, Volume 146, Issue 4, Supplement 1, April 2007, Page S133
Abstracts of the Annual Main Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Glasgow, Scotland, 31st March - 4th April, 2007

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2005)
Optic flow regulation: the key to aircraft automatic guidance
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 50, No 4, 31 March 2005, pp. 177-194

F. Ruffier, S. Viollet, N. Franceschini (2004)
Visual control of two aerial micro-robots by insect-based autopilots
Advanced Robotics, Vol. 18, No 8, pp. 771-786
Published jointly by VSP and the Robotics Society of Japan.
Articles de Conférence Internationale avec Comité de Lecture sur texte complet
Xavier Daini, Charles Coquet, Romain Raffin, Thibaut Raharijaona, and Franck Ruffier (2023, June) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Safety Net Detection by Optic Flow Processing
In 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) (pp. 32-39). IEEE, doi: 10.1109/ICUAS57906.2023.10156597

Ndoye, A., de Jesus Castillo-Zamora, J., Laki, S. S., Miot, R., van Ruymbeke, E., & Ruffier, F. (2023) Authors' post-print (PDF) [Open Dataset]
Vector Field Aided Trajectory Tracking of a 10-gram Flapping-Wings Aerial Vehicle
In: 2023 IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. (ICRA 2023), London, UK, 29 May – 2 June, 2023, doi : 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10160976

Jose J. Castillo-Zamora, Lucia Bergantin, Franck Ruffier (2022) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Corridor 3D Navigation of a Fully-Actuated Multirotor by Means of Bee-Inspired Optic Flow Regulation
In: IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing – ICSTCC 2022, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC55426.2022.9931809

L. Bergantin, C. Coquet, A. Negre, T. Raharijaona, N. Marchand and F.Ruffier (2022) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Minimalistic in-flight odometry based on two optic flow sensors along a bouncing trajectory
In: ICROS/IEEE ICCAS 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, doi: 10.23919/ICCAS55662.2022.10003956

L. Bergantin, C. Coquet, A. Negre, T. Raharijaona, N. Marchand, and F. Ruffier (2022)
Using trajectory oscillation timing improves in-flight odometry based solely on optic flows
In: 13th International micro air vehicle Conference, IMAV 2022, Delft, the Netherlands, 2022, p. 66–74.
Best paper award IMAV 2022

Abdoullah Ndoye, Sabrine Samorah Laki, Romain Miot, Edwin Van Ruymbeke and Franck Ruffier (2021) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Ornithopter’s intra-flapping body pitch highly depends on wingbeat frequency
In: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24:sup1, S101-S103, Proceeding of 46ème Congrès Société Biomécanique, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1978758
Nominee for the best poster award

Sabrine Samorah Laki, Abdoullah Ndoye, Romain Miot, Edwin van Ruymbeke and Franck Ruffier (2021) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Method of reconstructing the wing-beat movement from the body pitch data of an ornithopter
In: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24:sup1, S264-S266, Proceeding of 46ème Congrès Société Biomécanique, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1978758

Bergantin, L., Raharijaona, T., & Ruffier, F. (2021, June) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Estimation of the distance from a surface based on local optic flow divergence
In: 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) (pp. 1291-1298). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS51884.2021.9476751

Victor Boutin, Angelo Franciosini, Franck Ruffier, Laurent Perrinet (2018)
From biological vision to unsupervised hierarchical sparse coding,
In iTwist conf, Marseille 2018.

Vanhoutte, E., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. (2017)
A quasi-panoramic bio-inspired eye for flying parallel to walls
2017 IEEE SENSORS Int. Conf. (pp. 1-3) doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8234110

Desbiez, A., Expert, F., Boyron, M., Diperi, J., Viollet, S., & Ruffier, F. (2017)
X-Morf: a crash-separable quadrotor that morfs its X-geometry in flight
In RED UAS 2017-Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems. doi : 10.1109/RED-UAS.2017.8101670

Victor Boutin, Franck Ruffier, Laurent Perrinet (2017)
Efficient learning of sparse image representations using homeostatic regulation
In SPARS2017 conf, Lisbon, 2017 .

Victor Boutin, Franck Ruffier, Laurent Perrinet (2017)
Efficient learning of sparse image representations using homeostatic regulation
In NeuroFrance 2017, International Conference from the Société des Neurosciences, Bordeaux, France, 2017 .

Vanhoutte, E., Ruffier, F., & Serres, J. (2017)
A honeybee's navigational toolkit on Board a Bio-inspired Micro Flying Robot
In the 9th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition (IMAV 2017).

Dupeyroux, J., Passault, G., Ruffier, F., Viollet, S., & Serres, J. (2017, July).
Hexabot: a small 3D-printed six-legged walking robot designed for desert ant-like navigation tasks
In IFAC Word Congress 2017, Toulouse

T. Raharijaona, J. Serres, E. Vanhoutte, F. Ruffier (2017) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Toward an insect-inspired event-based autopilot combining both visual and control events
2017 IEEE International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, (EBCCSP 2017), Funchal, Portugal, May 2017.

Julien Serres, Thibaut Raharijaona, Erik Vanhoutte and Franck Ruffier (2016) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Event-based visual guidance inspired by honeybees in a 3D tapered tunnel
2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing EBCCSP 2016, 13 - 15 June 2016, Krakow, Poland

S. Mafrica, A. Servel, F. Ruffier (2016) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Optic-Flow Based Car-Like Robot Operating in a 5-Decade Light Level Range
2016 IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. (ICRA 2016), Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016

S. Mafrica, A. Servel, F. Ruffier (2015) Accepted Authors' post-print (PDF)
Towards an Automatic Parking System using Bio-Inspired 1-D Optical Flow Sensors
2015 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, Yokohama, JAPAN, November 5-7, 2015, pp. 96-103.

G. Sabiron, L. Burlion, T. Raharijaona, and F. Ruffier (2014) Authors' post-print (PDF) In Press
Optic Flow-Based Nonlinear Control and Sub-optimal Guidance for Lunar Landing
IEEE Robio 2014 conference, December 5 to 10, 2014, Bali, Indonesia

G. Sabiron, L. Burlion, G. Jonniaux, E. Kervendal, E. Bornschlegl, T. Raharijaona, and F. Ruffier (2014) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Backup State Observer Based on Optic Flow Applied to Lunar Landing
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), Chicago, USA

T. Raharijaona, L. Dola, B. Boisseau, J.-J. Martinez-Molina, N. Marchand and F. Ruffier (2014) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Event-based speed control on a sensor-less miniature thruster
AIM 2014, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 8-11, 2014, Besançon, France

Sabiron G., Chavent P., Raharijaona T., Fabiani P., Ruffier F. (2013) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Low-speed optic-flow sensor onboard an unmanned helicopter flying outside over fields
IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom. (ICRA 2013), Germany, pages 1734 - 1741

G. Sabiron, P. Chavent, L. Burlion, E. Kervendal, E. Bornschlegl, P. Fabiani, T. Raharijaona, F. Ruffier (2013) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Toward an Autonomous Lunar Landing Based on Low-speed Optic Flow Sensors
EuroGNC - 2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control, Delft : Pays-Bas (2013), pages 993 - 1011

F. L. Roubieu, J. Serres, N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier and S. Viollet (2012) Authors' post-print (PDF)
A fully autonomous hovercraft inspired by bees : wall following and speed control in straight and tapered corridors
Proceedings of IEEE RoBio 2012 Conf, China, Dec 11-14, pages 1311-1318

F. Expert, F.L. Roubieu and F. Ruffier (2012) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Interpolation based "time of travel" scheme in a Visual Motion Sensor using a small 2D retina
IEEE Sensors Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 29-31, pages 2231-2234

F. Expert, F. Ruffier (2012) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Controlling docking, altitude and speed in a circular high-roofed tunnel thanks to the optic flow
Proceedings of IEEE IROS 2012 Conf, Portugal, pp. 1125-1132

F. Ruffier and F. Expert (2012) Authors' post-print (PDF)
Visual motion sensing onboard a 50-g helicopter flying freely under complex VICON-lighting conditions
Proceeding of IEEE/CME Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Kobe, Japan, July 1-4 2012, pages 634-639

F.L. Roubieu, F. Expert, M. Boyron, B.-J. Fuschlock, S. Viollet, and F. Ruffier (2011) Authors' post-print (PDF)
A novel 1-gram insect based device measuring visual motion along 5 optical directions
IEEE Sensors 2011 conference, Limerick, Ireland, pages 687-690
IEEE Sensors 2011 Best student paper award : 1st prize

F. Expert, S. Viollet, and F. Ruffier (2011) Authors' post-print(PDF)
A mouse sensor and a 2-pixel motion sensor exposed to continuous illuminance changes
IEEE Sensors 2011 conference, Limerick, Ireland, pages 974-977

F. Ruffier, S. Benacchio, F. Expert, E. Ogam (2011)
A tiny directional sound sensor inspired by crickets designed for Micro-Air Vehicles
IEEE Sensors 2011 conference, Limerick, Ireland, pages 970-973

Viollet, S. Ruffier, F. Ray, T. Menouni, M. Aubépart, F. Kerhuel, L. Franceschini, N. (2010)
Characteristics of Three Miniature Bio-inspired Optic Flow Sensors in Natural Environments
Proc. of 2010 Fourth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM), pages: 51 - 55

Valette, F., Ruffier, F., Viollet, S., Seidl, T. (2010)
Biomimetic optic flow sensing applied to a lunar landing scenario
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2010), May 2010, Pages 2253 - 2260

F. Ruffier, T. Mukai, H. Nakashima, J. Serres, N. Franceschini (2008)
Combining Sound and Optic Flow Cues to Reach a Sound Source Despite Lateral Obstacles
2008 IEEE International Symposium on System Integration, pp. 89-94, Nagoya, Decenber 4th 2008

G. Portelli, J. Serres, F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2008)
A 3D Insect-Inspired Visual Autopilot for Corridor-Following
Second IEEE RAS / EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, IEEE BioRob 2008, pp. 19-26., 19-22 Octobre 2008, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2008)
Aerial Robot Piloted in Steep Relief by Optic Flow Sensors
IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems , IEEE IROS 2008, pp. 1266-1273, September, 22-26, 2008, Nice, France

N. Franceschini, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2008)
Neuromimetic Robots inspired by Insect Vision
Paper E-4.2: IL03, CIMTEC 2008 3rd International Conference 'Smart Materials, Structures and Systems', Acireale, Sicily, Italy, 8-13 Juin 2008

Serres, J., Ruffier, F. and N. Franceschini (2006)
Two optic flow regulators for speed control and obstacle avoidance
Paper n°284, In proceedings of the fist IEEE Int. Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB 2006), Pisa, Italy, Feb. 20-22

J. Serres, F. Ruffier and N. Franceschini (2005)
Biomimetic visual navigation in a corridor: to centre or not to centre?
International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference (Marseille, France, Oct. 20-22), pp 91-97

F. Ruffier, J. Serres, N. Franceschini (2005)
Automatic landing and take off at constant slope without terrestrial aids
Proceeding of the 31th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF'05), CEAS, Firenze, Italie

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2004)
Optic flow based AFCS for rotorcraft automatic manoeuvring (terrain following, take-off and landing)
Proceeding of the 30th European Rotorcraft Forum (ERF'04), pp. 71.1-71.9, AAAF/CEAS, 14-16 septembre 2004, Marseille

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2004)
Visually guided Micro-Aerial Vehicle : automatic take off, terrain following, landing and wind reaction
Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2004), pp. 2339-2346, Nouvelle Orléans, USA.
IEEE ICRA 2004 Best vision paper finalist

S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2004)
Visual stabilisation and guidance of micro aerial robots : a biomimetic approach
Proceeding of the 35th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2004), Ref:THS31-4, Paris

F. Ruffier, S. Viollet, N. Franceschini (Juin 2003)
OSCAR and OCTAVE : Two bio-inspired visually guided aerial micro-robots
Proceeding of the 11th IEEE Int Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2003), pp. 726-732, Coimbra, Portugal.
IEEE ICAR 2003 Outstanding paper award

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (Mai 2003)
OCTAVE, a bioinspired visuo-motor control system for the guidance of Micro-Air Vehicles
SPIE proceeding, Vol. 5119, pp.1-12.
Conference on Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems
Edited by Rodriguez-Vazquez, A.; Abbott, D.; Carmona, R.; Bellingham, U.S.A..

F. Ruffier, S. Viollet, S. Amic, N. Franceschini (Mai 2003)
Bio-inspired optic flow circuits for the visual guidance of micro-air vehicles
Proceeding of IEEE Int Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2003), Vol. III, pp. 846-849, Bangkok, Thailande.
Autres Articles de Revue Scientifique
S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, T. Ray, L. Kerhuel, F. Aubépart, N. Franceschini, M. Ménouni (2011) Article in Open-access
Performances of Three Miniature Bio-inspired Optic Flow Sensors under Natural Conditions
Sensors & Transducers journal (ISSN 1726-5479), Vol.10, February 2011, pp.151-159

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier and J. Serres (2010) Article in Open-access
Insect inspired autopilots
Journal of Aqua Aerial Bio-mechanics, Vol. 1, No 1, pp. 2-10

Nicolas Franceschini, Stéphane Viollet, Franck Ruffier, Julien Serres (2008)
Neuromimetic Robots inspired by Insect Vision
Advances in Science and Technology, Volume: Mining Smartness from Nature, Vol. 58 (Sept. 2008), ISBN: 3-908158-24-9, pp 127-136
Trans Tech Publications , Switzerland

J. Serres, F. Ruffier, S. Viollet and N. Franceschini (2006) Article in Open-access
Toward optic flow regulation for wall-following and centring behaviours
International Journal of Avanced Robotic Systems, Volume 3, Number 2, June 2006, Page 147-154
Chapitre de livre
Serres, J., & Ruffier, F. (2016)
Optic Flow-Based Robotics
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8321

F. Expert and F. Ruffier (2015) Authors' post-print (PDF)
The Vertical Optic Flow : An Additional Cue for Stabilizing Beerotor Robot's Flight Without IMU
Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp.187-198
(Following the 2015 Living Machines Conf., La Pedrera, Barcelona, Spain)

Thibaut Raharijaona, Lubin Kerhuel, Julien Serres, Frédéric Roubieu, Fabien Expert, Stéphane Viollet, Franck Ruffier and Nicolas Franceschini (2014)
Insect Inspired Visual Motion Sensing and Flying Robots
Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration, World Scientific Publishing, (Jabbari et al., eds)

Sabiron G., Chavent P., Burlion L., Kervendal E., Bornschlegl E., Fabiani P., Raharijaona T., Ruffier F. (2013)
Toward an autonomous lunar landing based in low-speed optic flow sensors
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control, Springer , pages 681-699
Selected Papers of the Second CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (Editors: Qiping Chu, Bob Mulder, Daniel Choukroun, Erik-Jan van Kampen, Coen de Visser, Gertjan Looye), Springer

Raharijaona T., Sabiron G., Viollet S., Franceschini N., Ruffier F. (2013)
Neuromimetic robots and their possible future applications for asteroid landing
Asteroids. Prospective Energy and Material Resources, Springer-Verlag, pp. 221-246

Franceschini, N., Ruffier, F., Serres, J. (2010)
Aerial navigation and optic flow sensing: a biorobotic approach
In: Motor Control : Theories, Experiments, and Applications, F. Danion and M. Latash (Eds.) Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 451-477

Franceschini, N., Ruffier, F., Serres (2010)
Biomimetic Optic Flow Sensors and Autopilots for MAV Guidance
in: Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, (H. Liu, section MAV ed.), John Wiley & Sons, San Francisco, USA

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2009)
Optic flow based autopilots : speed control and obstacle avoidance
in: Flying Insects and Robots
D. Floreano, J.-C. Zufferey, C. Ellington, M.V. Srinivasan, Eds., Springer, Vienna, pp. 29-50

F. Aubépart, J. Serres, A. Dilly, F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2009) Chapter in Open-access
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Bio-inspired visuo-motor control systems applied to Micro-Air Vehicles
in: Intelligent Aerial Vehicles, In-Tech, Vienna

Nicolas Franceschini, Franck Ruffier, Julien Serres, Stéphane Viollet (2009) Chapter in Open-access
Optic flow based visual guidance: from flying insects to miniature aerial vehicles
in: Intelligent Aerial Vehicles, In-Tech, Vienna

Franceschini, N., Viollet, S, Ruffier, F., Serres J. (2008)
Insect Visually-guided Behavior: Optronics, Neuronics and Nanomechatronics
in: New nanomaterials generation inspired by insects (In Japanese)
Following The Sendai Symposium on Insect Mimetics and Nano Materials
Masatsugu Shimomura, Tateo Shimozawa (Ed.), ISBN 978-4-86043-198-3, Tokyo: NTS Inc., pp. 1-18

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2007)
Un régulateur de flux optique pour le pilotage autonome des micro-aéronefs
Objets volants miniatures - Modélisation et Commande embarquée -, Pages 329-359, sous la direction Rogelio LOZANO, ISBN: 978-2-7462-1466-8
Conférences internationales avec actes
F. Ruffier, G. Portelli, J. Serres, S. Viollet, and N. Franceschini (2010)
From Bees' surface following to Lunar landing
ESF Conf. Functional Neurobiology in Minibrains: From Flies to Robots and Back Again
17-22 October 2010, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

F. Expert, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier (2010)
Miniature bio-inspired optic flow sensors
ESF Conf. Functional Neurobiology in Minibrains: From Flies to Robots and Back Again
17-22 October 2010, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

Geoffrey Portelli, Franck Ruffier, Nicolas Franceschini (2010)
Evidence for ventral optic flow regulation in honeybees
Fifth french conference on Computational Neuroscience, Neurocomp2010, Lyon

E. Ogam, F. Ruffier, A. Wirgin, A. Oduor (2010)
Miniaturization of insect-inspired acoustic sensors
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 127, Issue 3, pp. 1971-1971 (March 2010)
Program abstracts of the Joint 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America

G. Portelli, F. Ruffier, J. Serres, N. Franceschini (2009)
A bee in the corridor: joint speed control and lateral obstacle avoidance
"Visual Processing in Insects: From Anatomy to Behavior" Conf.
Janelia Farm Research, Campus, HHMI (USA)

G. Portelli, J. Serres, F. Ruffier, N.Franceschini (2008)
3D Navigation with an insect-inspired autopilot
Third french conference on Computational Neuroscience, Neurocomp08, pp. 143-146, 8-11 octobre 2008, Marseille

Julien Serres, Franck Ruffier, Nicolas Franceschini (2008)
A bio-inspired optic flow based autopilot for guiding a miniature hovercraft in corridors
Workshop "Visual guidance systems for small autonomous aerial vehicles" lors de la conférence IROS 2008, 22 Septembre 2008, Nice

Julien Serres, Franck Ruffier, Guillaume P. Masson, Nicolas Franceschini (2008)
A bee in the corridor: centering and wall-following
Second International Conference on Invertebrate Vision August 1 - 8, 2008
Bäckaskog Castel, Sweden

Portelli G., Ogier M., Ruffier F., Serres J., Franceschini N. (2007)
A Bee in the Corridor: Regulating Lateral OF by Side Control
Flying insects and Robots, August 12 - 17, 2007
Ascona Switzerland

F. Ruffier, J. Serres, G.P. Masson and N. Franceschini (2007)
A bee in the corridor: regulating the optic flow on one side
Abstract n°T14-7B, 31st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference

J. Serres, F. Ruffier, GP. Masson and N. Franceschini (2007)
A bee in the corridor: centring or wall-following ?
Abstract n°T14-8B, 31st Göttingen Neurobiology Conference

Conférences internationales sur invitation
Nicolas Franceschini, Franck Ruffier, Julien Serres (2010)
From insects to robots and back again
ESF Conf. Functional Neurobiology in Minibrains: From Flies to Robots and Back Again
17-22 October 2010, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2009)
Controlling navigation by optic flow sensors: the fly automatic pilot
Progress in Motor Control VII Conference, Marseille

J. Serres, N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, F. Aubépart (2009)
Bio-inspired optic flow sensors and optic flow based autopilots
NSF USA / China Workshop on bio-inspired smart systems: materials, mechanics, control and sensor innovation
Dalian, China

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2009)
Insect Inspired Autopilots
ISABMEC 2009, 4th International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms Shanghai, China
Shanghai, China

Nicolas Franceschini, Franck Ruffier, Julien Serres (2008)
From insects to robots and back
Second International Conference on Invertebrate Vision August 1 - 8, 2008
Bäckaskog Castel, Sweden

Franck Ruffier, Nicolas Franceschini (2008)
Optic flow-based autopilot for navigation in steep relief
Second International Conference on Invertebrate Vision August 1 - 8, 2008
Bäckaskog Castel, Sweden

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier, J. Serres (2007)
Insects as Pilots: Optic Flow Regulation for Vertical and Horizontal Guidance
Flying inscets and Robots, August 12 - 17, 2007
Ascona Switzerland

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini, J. Serres (2007)
Vision based autopilot in flies
Visual Processing in Insects: From Anatomy to Behavior April 29 - May 2, 2007
Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

N. Franceschini, F. Ruffier (2004)
Biomimetic autopilot based on fly vision
Symposia "INSECTS AS MACHINES: Biomechanics, Functional Morphology, Sensory Systems & Robotic Applications" (Organisateurs: R. Wootton, M. Srinivasan) at the International Congress of Entomology, 15 - 21 août 2004, Brisbane, Australie

N. Franceschini, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier (2004)
Insect based autopilots for micro-air vehicles
International Conference on "Insect Sensors and Robotics" (Organisateurs: M. Srinivasan, R. Wootton, M. Whitten) , 23-26 août 2004, Brisbanne, Australie
Conférences nationales avec actes
G. Portelli, J. Serres, F. Ruffier, and N. Franceschini (2009)
Pilote automatique bio-inspiré pour la navigation en 3D
7ème Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique (JNRR'09), Neuvy-sur-Barangeon, 04-06 novembre 2009

G. Portelli, J. Serres, F. Ruffier, and N. Franceschini (2009)
Piloting with an insect-based visual autopilot
2009 RTP Bionique meeting, entitled "Moving in fluids for animals and robots: physics, (bio)mechanics, control and perception"

J. Serres, D. Dray, F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2008)
Pilote automatique bio-inspiré basé sur la vision du mouvement
Conférence MajecSTIC Marseille 2008, 29-31 octobre 2008, Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication

Julien Serres, Franck Ruffier, et Nicolas Franceschini (2007)
Guidage visuel d'un aéroglisseur miniature dans un corridor
Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique JNRR'07 (Obernai, France, Oct 9-12),

J. Serres, F. Ruffier and N. Franceschini (2005)
Réguler le flux optique latéral pour naviger dans un corridor
Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique JNRR'05 (Guidel, France, Oct 5-7), pp 289-290

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2005)
Décollage, Vol de croisière, Réaction au vent et Atterrissage automatiques d'un robot aérien doté de vision
OPTRO 2005, mai 2005, Min. de la Recherche, Paris 5ème, Colloque internat. organisé par AAAF et EOS.

F. Ruffier, S. Viollet, S. Amic, N. Franceschini (2003)
Circuit et guidage visuels bio-inspirés pour mini-robot aérien
2èmes journées du RTP microrobotique, 3- 4 Décembre 2003, Bourges, ENSI de Bourges

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2003) [Présentation en pdf]
OCTAVE, un système visuel de contrôle automatique de l'’altitude pour microdrone
Journées Microdrone 2003, 1 – 3 octobre 2003, Toulouse

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2002)
OCTAVE, système de contrôle bio-inspiré de l'altitude d'un micro-aéronef
1ères journées du RTP microrobotique, 6 et 7 novembre 2002, Rennes, Irisa et ENS Cachan, Antenne de Bretagne

F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2002)
Pilotage visuel d’un micro-aéronef
16èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique (JJCR’16), Villeurbanne - INSA Lyon
Conférences nationales sur invitation
Ruffier, F., Serres, J., Portelli, G., Franceschini, N. (2009) 13 pages, Article in Open-access
Boucles visuo-motrices bio-mimétiques pour le pilotage automatique de micro-aéronefs, 13 pages
7ème Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique (JNRR'09), Neuvy-sur-Barangeon, 04-06 novembre 2009

F. Ruffier, J. Serres, N. Franceschini (2009)
Pilotes automatiques biomimétiques : Boucles de rétroaction directes sur le flux optique
Réunion inter GdR MACS et Robotique du GT UAV (ENSAM, Paris)

F. Ruffier, J. Serres, N. Franceschini (2009)
Pilotes automatiques biomimétiques : Boucles de rétroaction directes sur le flux optique
Workshop Drone LSIS / ISM, avec le concours du Pôle de compétitivité PEGASE, de l'Onera et de l'Écoles des Officiers de l'Armée de l'Air
Salon de Provence, France

F. Ruffier, J. Serres, N. Franceschini (2009)
Pilotes automatiques biomimétiques : Boucles de rétroaction directes sur le flux optique par
Journées MSI "Matériaux et Structures Intelligentes"
ONERA/DGA (Châtillon, 25 mars 2009)

N. Franceschini, T. Netter, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, F. Aubepart (2002)
Projet européen sur les micro-aéronefs : un défi transdisciplinaire, scientifique et technologique
Journées du programme interdisciplinaire ROBEA, LAAS, Toulouse, oct. 2002

N. Franceschini, T. Netter, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier, F. Aubepart (2002)
Micro-drones biomimétiques,
Journées CNRS/DGA, Arcueil, nov. 2002
Nicolas Franceschini, Franck Ruffier et Julien Serres (Déc. 2007)
Y a-t-il un pilote dans l'insecte ?
Voir l'invisible, Omnisciences, Pages 216-217
Dépôt de brevet français et extension tout pays en cours

Études Universitaires et Diplômes

  • 6 février 2013: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Aix-Marseille Université

    Jury de HDR:
    Dr. JEAN-PAUL LAUMOND, Dir. de recherche CNRS, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (Rapporteur)
    Pr. ALI CHARARA, Prof. à l'Univ. de Technologie de Compiègne, HEUDIASYC, Compiègne (Rapporteur)
    Pr. MICHEL DE MATHELIN, Prof. à l'Univ. de Strasbourg, ICUBE (Rapporteur)
    Pr. MARTIN GIURFA, Prof. à l'Univ. Paul Sabatier, CRCA, Toulouse (Examinateur)
    Pr. PHILIPPE FRAISSE, Prof. à l'Univ. Montpellier 2, LIRMM, Montpellier (Président)
    Pr. GILLES MONTAGNE, Prof. à l'Univ. d?Aix-Marseille, ISM, Marseille (Examinateur)
    Dr. JEAN-LOUIS VERCHER, Dir. de recherche CNRS, ISM, Marseille (Examinateur)
    Dr. NICOLAS FRANCESCHINI, Dir. de recherche CNRS Emerite, ISM, Marseille (Examinateur)

  • Depuis le 1er janvier 2012: Co-Responsable de l'équipe Biorobotique avec Stéphane VIOLLET, Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Marseille

  • Depuis octobre 2005: Chargé de recherche CNRS au sein de l'Equipe Biorobotique à l'Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Marseille

  • 2004 / 2005: Postdoctorat au sein de l'Equipe de Biorobotique du laboratoire Mouvement et Perception

  • 6 septembre 2004 : Doctorat au sein de l'Equipe de Biorobotique (Nicolas Franceschini) du laboratoire Mouvement et Perception, Marseille

  • Titre: Pilote automatique biomimétique - Système générique inspiré du contrôle visuomoteur des insectes pour : le décollage, le suivi de terrain, la réaction au vent et l'atterrissage automatiques d'un micro-aéronef -
    Jury de thèse:
    Pr. G. BOUVIER, Professeur à l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Président
    Pr. D. FLOREANO, Professeur à l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Rapporteur
    MCF R. ZAPATA, Maître de conférences à l'Université de Montpellier II, Rapporteur
    Dr. N. FRANCESCHINI, Directeur de recherches CNRS, Marseille, Directeur de thèse
    Dr. B. ESPIAU, Directeur de Recherche à l'INRIA-Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble, Examinateur
    Dr. S. THORPE, Directeur de Recherche CNRS au Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (CERCO), Toulouse, Examinateur

  • Août 1999 / Août 2000 : Année d'échange à Lund en Suède au sein du département d'automatique

  • 1999 / 2000 : DEA en Automatique Productique à l'ENSIEG / INP Grenoble réalisé en double cursus à Lund

  • 1995 / 2000 : Ingénieur ESISAR / INP Grenoble en électronique, automatique et informatique industrielle

  • 1995 : Baccalauréat Scientifique Technologique (Ancien Bac E) au Lycée du val de Saône de Trévoux dans l'Ain

  • CV (pdf)


    "ICAR Outstanding paper award" au congrès IEEE sur la Robotique Avancée (ICAR 2003), Coimbra, Portugal
    "ICRA Best vision paper finalist" at IEEE ICRA 2004, New Orleans, USA
    Prix La Recherche 2005, Mention Mobilité pour "Des robots fine mouches" N. Franceschini, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier
    "IEEE Sensors 2011, Best Student paper Award, First Prize", Roubieu et al.

    Cours Biorobotique & Thymio - NCC Toulouse Sept 2021 - :
    Cours Intro Biorobotique Partie I (pdf)
    Cours Intro Biorobotique Partie II (pdf)
    Ateliers Thymio (pdf)
    Corrigé Suivi de Ligne Basique Suivi de ligne
    Corrigé Suivi de Ligne Avancé Suivi de bord ligne avec T et récupération de la ligne
    Corrigé Labyrinthe Labyrinthe

    Membre de l'équipe pédagogique Master Physique-Biologie, Marseille, Parcours bionique et cybernétique

    Master Européen EMARO (European Master on Advanced RObotics), Nantes, Biorobotics (12 h), 2009/2010, 2010/2011, ...

    Master Recherche Neurosciences, Marseille, spécialité Neurosciences Intégratives et Cognitives, Cognition Naturelle et Artificielle (12 h, M1-S2-UE16), 2008-...

    Robotique d'inspiration biologique , Cours (4h), Ecole d'ingénieur ISEN Toulon (niveau Bac +5), 2006/2007

    Robotique d'inspiration biologique (terrestre et aérienne), Cours (6h), Ecole d'ingénieur CESTI-SUPMECA Toulon (niveau Bac +5), 2003/2004

    Electronique numérique, Travaux Pratiques, IUT Marseille (Département Génie Électrique et Informatique Industrielle, GEII) (niveau Bac +1), 2002/2003

    Rapport, Thèse, Livre
    Franck RUFFIER DE L'INSECTE AUX ROBOTS : OBSERVER, RECONSTRUIRE, INNOVER ET MIEUX COMPRENDRE PDF , Habilitation at Aix-Marseille Université defended in february 2013
    Pilote automatique biomimétique - Système générique inspiré du contrôle visuomoteur des insectes pour : le décollage, le suivi de terrain, la réaction au vent et l'atterrissage automatiques d'un micro-aéronef - , Thèse de doctorat de l'INP Grenoble (spécialité : Signal, Image, Parole, Télécommunications) soutenue le 6 septembre 2004
    Franck RUFFIER, Pilote automatique biomimétique - Système générique inspiré du contrôle visuomoteur des insectes pour : le décollage, le suivi de terrain, la réaction au vent et l'atterrissage automatiques d'un micro-aéronef - , 200 pages, Editions Universitaires Europeennes (septembre 2010), ISBN-10: 613152534X, ISBN-13: 978-6131525346
    Control of a High Voltage Supply for a Traveling Wave Tube Transmitter Projet de fin d'étude et DEA réalisés à Lund (Suède) pour Ericsson Microwave System (en anglais)

    Travaux antérieurs de l'équipe

    Circuit Détecteur Elémentaire de Mouvement (DEM)
    • Appareil visuel élémentaire pour la navigation à vue d'un robot mobile autonome
    • (18Mo)
      Rapport de DEA de Christian BLANES, Juin 1986, Neurosciences, Univ. Aix-Marseille II
      "Realisation d'un circuit électronique Détecteur Elémentaire de Mouvement (DEM)," titre du Chapitre VI, pp. 25 (pagination du rapport) ou pp. 30 (pagination du fichier pdf)
      Schéma du circuit DEM, pp. -34.1- (pagination du rapport) ou pp. 40 (pagination du fichier pdf)

    Le robot Mouche (De la Mouche au Robot Video Divx)